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出处:5DMail.Net收集整理 作者:5DMail.Net收集整理 时间:2013-6-25 10:52:22






  ● 对不起,___写给我的邮件错发给了您。您也看到了,情况比较麻烦。如果您能对此保守秘密的话,我将万分感激。

  ● 我刚发现把私人邮件错误抄送给了您,实在对不起。如果能帮我保守秘密,我将不胜感激。

  ● 很抱歉我把写给___的邮件错发给了您。非常感谢您告知我此事,请保密。相信您一定能表示理解。

  ● 汤姆刚刚告诉我,我把写给___的邮件错发给了您。对不起,给您添麻烦了。您知道这只能给___看。

  ● 非常抱歉,我刚发现给您发错了邮件。本来是写给的___,您的地址在他的正上方,结果点击时出错了。这封信内容令人不快,涉及隐私,您是否可以不打开阅读而直接删除?



  ● 对不起,写给孩子保姆的邮件发给了您。让我想想,如果保姆做不好的话,真的请你来帮忙如何?呵呵!

  ● 天啊!对不起给你发了垃圾邮件。我并不打算发给你那个邮件。

  ● 哦,不!___说我不小心把邮件抄送给您了,十分抱歉。

  ● 出了点技术性的错误,全是我的错。实在对不起,写给孩子保姆的邮件错发给了您。



  ● ___刚告诉我您收到我的一封有关弗朗西斯的邮件。请不要让他本人或别人知道此事,好吗?我会尽快与当事人私下沟通此事。

  ● 我刚发现写给爱迪的邮件错发给您了,请别在意邮件内容。我会马上处理相关问题。

  ● 如果您收到我的邮件,其中主题词是"___",请忽略它。我本来是要发给爱迪的,希望得到他的反馈意见再采取行动。

  ● 我刚发现自己不小心把本该发给别人的邮件发给您了,请别在意,我只是发泄一下情绪。



  ● 我刚发现自己不小心把发给___的邮件抄送给了您。您知道我极少占用工作时间处理个人信件,但这次情况紧急,我迫不得已。对此我深表歉意。

  ● 我检查邮件时发现自己不小心把写给___的邮件发给了您。除非万不得已,我工作时绝不发私人邮件。我希望您能表示理解,出现这种问题实在是对不起。

  ● 我知道自己错发了有关___的邮件给您。我通常只用家里电脑处理私人邮件。要是您想与我讨论此事,请随时通知我。

  ● 您可能注意到了我的邮件,其主题为“___”,与业务完全无关。我不小心发送给了您。当时事发突然,否则我会等到回家之后发送它。对不起,但请相信我的绝大多数时间都是用在业务上的。






  [2] 英文版


  So maybe you’re e-mailing a note to your babysitter and accidentally click on the wrong address. Not a problem. But if that e-mail is to your wife about your recent stomach problems, or worse, about your recent marriage strains, that’s different. The plot thickens if it contains highly detailed information. Your best strategy is this: determine your relationship with the person who received it and the effect it might have on work. If it will affect your work life, you must address it. If doesn’t . . . maybe not.

  The Situation Contains Seriously Personal Information

  You want a quick response from the person—to respect you and your privacy and keep the message under wraps. Start with a quick apology, and then ask for discretion.

  ●Sorry for sending you an e-mail intended for my _____. As you can see, things have been difficult, and I would really appreciate your keeping this to yourself.

  ●I just realized I accidentally cc’d you on my personal message—sorry. I would appreciate your helping me keep this difficult situation private.

  ●I apologize for sending you the e-mail intended for ____, and I appreciate your letting me know about it. Please keep the contents to yourself—I’m sure you understand why.

  ●Tom just told me that I accidentally sent you an e-mail I intended for ____. Sorry about the intrusion—as you can imagine it was for ____’s eyes only.

  ●I just realized I sent you an e-mail that I intended for ____. Sorry—your address was just above his in my address book, and I clicked on yours by mistake. This message is painful and private; would you mind deleting it, unopened?

  The Situation Contains Mundane Information

  You can take a lighter tone with this one—basically, you’re trying to dissolve any ill will, no matter how slight, for cluttering up the person’s mailbox. Add humor if you think your audience will respond to it.

  ●Sorry about sending that e-mail intended for my kid’s babysitter. Now that I think of it—how about filling in if she can’t make it (ha-ha)?

  ●Oops! Sorry to clutter up your mailbox. Didn’t mean to send that last e-mail to you.

  ●Oh no_____ told me I accidentally cc’d you on an e-mail. Sorry about that!

  ●Just learned about one of the many technology glitches to hit the workplace. This time, the fault is all mine. So sorry to have accidentally sent the e-mail to my kid’s babysitter your way.

  The Situation Incriminates Someone Else

  Whatever you do, do not justify or explain why you sent the e-mail. Just make sure that the person understands that the message is not to be repeated and that you plan to resolve whatever difficulty you’re in—and the person shouldn’t try. This is especially significant if you’re discussing a personal view about a professional situation.

  ●______ just told me that you received my e-mail about Francis. Please don’t let Francis, or anyone else, know—okay? I’ll discuss the matter privately with Francis soon.

  ●I just realized I sent you an e-mail intended for Eddy. Please disregard it—it’s about a problem which I plan to resolve immediately.

  ●If you happened to get an e-mail from me with the subject line “_________,” please disregard it. I intended to send it to Eddy for his feedback before I moved forward.

  ●I just realized I accidentally sent you an e-mail intended for someone else. Please pay no attention—I was just venting.

  Your Boss or Senior Official Accidentally Received the Message

  Not only are you embarrassed, but you jeopardized your chances of being seen as a good employee. Good employees, after all, don’t waste company time on personal messages. So you need to acknowledge the situation first, then explain it’s a rare occurrence, and, finally, apologize for it.

  ●I just realized I accidentally cc’d you on an e-mail to ____. Please know that I rarely take work time for personal messages, but this situation was timely and I had little choice. Sorry that it happened.

  ●In reviewing my e-mails, I realized I accidentally sent you one intended for ______. I don’t usually send personal messages at work unless they’re necessary. I hope you understand, and I am sorry for the trouble.

  ●I learned that you mistakenly received my e-mail about ____. If you would like to discuss it with me, please let me know—I usually restrict my personal e-mails to my computer at home.

  ●You probably noticed my e-mail with the very unprofessional subject line “_____.” I accidentally sent it your way. If the situation wasn’t pressing, I would have waited until I got home to send it. Sorry, and please know that I spend the overwhelming majority of my work hours on professional matters.

  Quick tip

  Okay, you know that you shouldn’t send personal messages from work. But face it: you spend most of your time at work, and now and then you can’t help yourself. But remember: keep the messages as professional sounding as possible. Only state necessary information, and avoid discussing troubling or volatile thoughts and feelings. Here’s an example:

  Don’t: At this point I think you’re the biggest jerk I ever met. How dare you behave like that to me? Don’t call. Don’t e-mail. Get lost.

  Do: Your behavior was unacceptable—I do not want further contact.

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