Specialist email hosting company Simply Mail Solutions has launched an Advanced Anti-spam hosting solution aimed at small to medium enterprises (SMEs).SMS’s Advanced Anti Spam is based on the Postini Perimeter Manager, arguably the best anti spam system currently available.
Postini is the industry's leading provider of email security and management for the enterprise. The award-winning email intrusion prevention system protects and secures email infrastructure from malicious attacks including spam, email viruses and directory harvest attacks. Advanced Anti Spam is categorized to meet the unique needs of individual organizations.
Advanced Anti Spam delivers effective integrated email system security service that protects companies from email-borne threats before they reach the network. It provides comprehensive services to filter spam and viruses from email and to protect email systems from email attacks. The service also provides IT organizations with the necessary tools to manage email connections and regulate email delivery.
Advanced Anti Spam provides the most control and flexibility for both administrators and end-users of any alternate solution. Advanced Anti Spam is the only anti-spam solution to defend email systems against Directory Harvest Attacks (DHAs) - an aggressive technique spammers use to gather employee email addresses by running scripts against email servers. DHA propagation is the primary driver for the significant growth in spam targeted to business email users.
Commented SMS’s Colin Smith “We are pleased to offer the Advanced Anti Spam package at a price and usability that is attractive to SMEs. Users can elect to protect 1 mailbox or 1000 within their organization; they just pay a fixed monthly fee per mailbox. There is no need to download and install time consuming server or desktop software. In addition the level of control can either be delegated to the individual user or set at the highest level depending on an organization’s spam policy. Organizations can have email packages and systems not on our network and still take advantage of the Advanced Anti Spam package.
“We have been testing this package with our users and the feedback has been universally positive. This is best summarised by what one of our French customers had to say ‘I received before much spam and with your advanced postini anti-spam service, I do not have almost any more any spam in my mailbox !’”
专业反垃圾邮件公司Simply Mail Solutions 发布新的反垃圾邮件产品针对中小企业(SMEs).SMS是在Postini Perimeter Manager基础上新的反垃圾邮件产品,是当前最好的反垃圾邮件产品。
Postini 为企业的电子邮件安全和管理提供一流的保护。该产品的电子邮件入侵保护系统使企业的电子邮件免于垃圾邮件,邮件病毒和directory harvest attacks的恶意攻击。本产品可以满足个别企业的不同需求。
被称为SMS的Colin Smith 说:“我们很高兴以很大的代价提供高级反垃圾邮件包,它的实用性吸引着SMES,用户能够选择去保护企业内的一个或者1000个电子邮箱;他们仅需为每个邮箱按月付固定的费用就可以了,不需要安装服务器和软件。”而且控制级别可以满足个人用户或者组织的反垃圾邮件政策。组织可以把邮件打包
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