介绍一下使用Exchange OWA来写邮件时的密送(BCC)选项:
在Exchange 2000的OWA中,没有密送(BCC)选项;
在Exchange 2003的OWA中,密送(BCC)选项默认就是显示出来的;
Exchange 2007 的OWA中,每次要使用密送(BCC),都必须在选项中勾选“显示密件抄送”,必须每次要使用时都进行显示操作。
如果想让Exchang 2007的OWA中默认显示密件抄送,可以尝试以下方法,出自http://groups.google.com/group/microsoft.public.exchange.misc/browse_thread/thread/c275aa0aacd6eb61?pli=1:
This worked for us. Alter this file at your own risk. You can apply
this fix without restarting any services and it works on the fly.
******In \Exchange2007\ClientAccess\Owa\forms\premium
******Change this Block of code (search for bcc)**********
<tr id=”trBcc” <%= ShowBcc ? “” : ” style=\”display:none\”" %>>
<a id=”btnBcc”r” : “l”%>”
<%RenderOnClick(“shwABM(\”divBcc\”);”);%> hidefocus=”true”
tabindex=”-1″ href=”#”>
<img align=absmiddle src=”<
ThemeFileId.AddressBook);%>”> <
if (ShowBcc)
RecipientWell.Render(Response.Output, UserContext,
RecipientWell.Render(Response.Output, UserContext,
RecipientWellType.Bcc, RecipientWell.RenderFlags.Hidden);
******To This************
<tr id=”trBcc”>
<a id=”btnBcc”r” : “l”%>”
<%RenderOnClick(“shwABM(\”divBcc\”);”);%> hidefocus=”true”
tabindex=”-1″ href=”#”>
<img align=absmiddle src=”<
ThemeFileId.AddressBook);%>”> <
<% RecipientWell.Render(Response.Output, UserContext,
RecipientWellType.Bcc); %>
Now BCC is on by default and can be turned off in options.
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