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  • ASTRA32 2.08 Final

    Size:1.69 M
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    ASTRA32 2.08 Final Description:
    ASTRA32,一款硬件信息检测工具.应用在MS Windows操作系统下的硬件检测工具,ASTRA是Advanced Sysinfo Tool and Reporting Assistant的英文缩写,这是应用在32位操作系统的版本,他还有一个姊妹版本ASTRA专门应用在16位MS系统下.ASTRA32可以检测你的 所有已知和未知的硬件产品,包括CPU的频率、特征、Cache,主板品牌生产商、主板BIOS、显示卡、硬盘、光驱…….ASTRA32不仅可以检测出 所有硬件产品,还可以提供厂商的网址为您寻找驱动提供最大的便利.

    - Added support of SMBIOS 2.6 standard
    - Added detection of HD DVD-R DL, HD DVD-RW, HD DVD-RW DL write features
    - Added reading of SPD information on Intel P55 chipset, VIA VX800/VX820 chipset, VIA VT8237S, nVidia MCP73/MCP78/MCP79 south bridges
    - Added detection of Intel Quad-Core Xeon (Gainestown), Intel Dual-Core Xeon (Gainestown), Intel Core i7 Extreme, Intel Core 2 Quad Mobile, Pentium Dual-Core (Wolfdale), Intel Core 2 Solo (Penryn), Celeron M (Penryn)
    - Fixed detection of AMD Family 11h processors
    - Fixed detection of Intel Atom clock multiplier
    - Fixed the error 'File astra32.dat not found' appearing on some computers
    - Some minor bugs fixed
    - Updated program database
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