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    Size:1.19 M
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    ChipInfo V1.2.0 Description:
    一个免费的计算机主机板 Chipset 侦测工具软件,它可以帮你侦测出你计算机 Chipset 上的一些信息,它支持以下Intel Chipset :
    - Intel 440BX, Intel 440BX- PCI-to-PCI-Bridge
    - Intel 810(E/E2), Intel 810(E/E2)-Graphics Device
    - Intel 815(E/P/EP/EM/G/EG), Intel 815- AGP Bridge,
    - Intel 815- Graphics Device
    - Intel 820, Intel 820- AGP Bridge
    - Intel 830, Intel 830- Graphics Device, Intel 830- AGP Bridge
    - Intel 840, Intel 840- Hub Interface B Bridge, Intel 840- AGP Bridge
    - Intel 845(E/G/GL/GV/GE/PE/MP/MZ)
    - Intel PIIX4 (PCI to ISI Bridge, IDE Controller,
      USB Controller, Power Management)
    - Intel ICH(0) (Hub Interface to PCI Bridge, LPC Interface Bridge,
    IDE Controller,USB Controller, SMBus Controller, AC'97 Audio Controller,
    AC'97 Modem Controller)
    - Intel ICH2(M) (LAN Controller, Hub Interface to PCI Bridge,
    LPC Interface Bridge,IDE Controller, USB Controller, SMBus Controller,
    AC'97 Audio Controller,AC'97 Modem Controller。
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