我在<a target=_blank href=http://www.dnsreport.com/>http://www.dnsreport.com/</a>查询我们的邮件服务器名称时显示说我们的MX记录是假的,怪不得我们好多国外的邮件都发不出去。 退信信息说<br>
SMTP-Error = "417 Temporary delivery error" 。:( 国内的邮件地址基本上都可能正常收发,请大家帮我看看是哪儿设置的问题吗? MX记录已经指向我们的服务器IP地址了<br>
<a target=_blank href=http://www.dnsreport.com>http://www.dnsreport.com</a>提示如下:<br>
Getting MX record for etrans-tech.com... Got it!<br>
Host Preference IP(s) [Country] 15 [Bogus MX record - is supposed to be a hostname, not an IP!] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
Step 1: Try connecting to the following mailserver:<br>[ERROR; a few mailservers will connect to, but they aren't supposed to]<br>
Step 2: If still unsuccessful, queue the E-mail for later delivery.<br>
Note: if you enter an entire E-mail address (such as postmaster@etrans-tech.com), we will try to connect<br>
to each mailserver to ensure that they are live and accept mail to the etrans-tech.com domain.<br>