一、现象: 当客户端由外网经过防火墙访问邮件服务器时<br>用户的客户端无法进行正常的smtp身份认证,而内网用户(可直接访问邮件服务器,不需经过防火墙)却可以正常地进行smtp身份认证。<br>
由外网用telnet连接服务器25端口后 显示的是一串*************************<br>
无法像内网用户一样显示220 domain name (IMail xxxxxxx) NT-ESMTP Server X1 <br>
二、原因:防火墙或路由器禁止了Extended SMTP commands (such as EHLO and AUTH) <br>
1、防火墙fixup protocol smtp 25<br>
以cisco fix firewall 为例<br>
configure中有一行为fixup protocol smtp 25<br>
键入命令行no fixup protocol smtp 25即可<br>
2、路由信息中包含ip inspect name ethernetin smtp timeout 3600<br>
<font color="green"><br>
附imail knowledgebase原文</font><br>
<font color="blue">Question/Problem:</font> I have 'Relay for Addresses' set in SMTP Security. I understand that remote users who use IP addresses I do not List must configure their email clients to authenticate (see: IMail - SMTP authentication). However, SMTP AUTH is not working for remote users who have properly configured their email clients.<br>
<font color="blue">Answer/Solution</font>:<font color="red"> If you have a firewall or router that "inspects" the traffic on port 25, the "inspection" does not allow Extended SMTP commands (such as EHLO and AUTH) to pass properly</font>. If you disable this "inspection" or otherwise confirm that your firewall or router supports the Extended SMTP commands (ESMTP) this will allow properly configured remote users to authenticate.<br>
The following was provided by Cisco:<br>
1) Make sure that you don't have SMTP inspection configured:<br>
ip inspect name ethernetin cuseeme timeout 3600<br>
ip inspect name ethernetin ftp timeout 3600<br>
ip inspect name ethernetin h323 timeout 3600<br>
ip inspect name ethernetin http timeout 3600<br>
ip inspect name ethernetin rcmd timeout 3600<br>
ip inspect name ethernetin realaudio timeout 3600<br>
<font color="red">### The following line should not exist in your router configuration ###<br>
ip inspect name ethernetin smtp timeout 3600<br>
Removing the last line will take care of the problem. Cisco's only warning<br>
was that removing it would allow for attacks using ESMTP.</font><br>
<font color="blue">Question/Problem</font>: Users off our network, with "my server requires<br>
authentication" checked, cannot send mail through our server.<br>
<font color="blue">Answer/Solution</font>: Your firewall or proxy may not support the extended SMTP command set that is required for SMTP authentication. <br>
You can enable SMTP authentication on a Cisco PIX firewall with the command:<br>
<font color="red">"no fixup protocol smtp 25"</font><br>
It will now work correctly. |