楼主 |
发表于 2004-7-17 13:24:51
Re:[转帖]postfix 2.0.16的虚拟投递代理文档
Configuration parameters <br>
======================== <br>
配置参数 <br>
virtual_mailbox_base <br>
虚拟邮箱主路径 <br>
Specifies a path that is prepended to all mailbox paths. This <br>
is a safety measure to ensure an that out of control map doesn't <br>
litter the filesystem with mailboxes (or worse). While it could <br>
be set to "/", this isn't recommended. <br>
此参数指定所有邮箱路径的前缀。这是一个安全措施,以确保失控的映射表不会在文件系统中乱丢邮箱(或者更糟)。然而,它是可以被设置成"/",但这样的做法不被推荐。 <br>
virtual_mailbox_domains <br>
虚拟邮箱域 <br>
Specifies the list of domains that should be delivered to the <br>
$virtual_transport delivery agent (default: virtual). As of <br>
version 2.0, Postfix is smart enough that you don't have to <br>
list every virtual domain in a Postfix transport map. <br>
此参数指定一个域列表。表中的域的邮件都由$virtual_transport参数指定的投递代理 <br>
来负责投递(默认值为:virtual虚拟投递代理)。在2.0版中,Postfix有足够的智能处理这件事,所以用户没有必要非得在一个传递映射表中列出每一个虚拟域。 <br>
(注:本参数是在2.0.0 released 20021222中添加的。为了和旧版本兼容,新的$virtual_mailbox_domains参数默认使用$virtual_mailbox_maps值。这意味着仍可以象旧版本中一样,将关于一个域的所有信息保存在一个文件中。) <br>
virtual_mailbox_maps <br>
虚拟邮箱映射表 <br>
Recipients are looked up in this map to determine the path to <br>
their mailbox. If the returned path ends in a slash ("/"), <br>
maildir-style delivery is carried out, otherwise the path is <br>
assumed to specify a mailbox file. The virtual_mailbox_base <br>
directory is unconditionally prepended to this path. If the <br>
recipient is not found the mail is bounced. <br>
通过查找这张映射表,可以确定接收者的邮箱路径。如果返回的路径是以“/”结尾,那么邮件目录风格的投递被使用,否则就认为返回的路径是指定一个邮箱文件。virtual_mailbox_base参数指出的目录并不是一定要加到这个路径前面。(注:如果返回的路径是以“/”开始的,那么virtual_mailbox_base参数就不要用了)。如果没查到接收者,那么邮件被退回。 <br>
In a lookup table, specify a left-hand side of @domain.tld to <br>
match any user in the specified domain that does not have her <br>
own user@domain.tld entry. While searching a lookup table, an <br>
address extension (user+foo@domain.tld) is ignored. <br>
在一个查询表中,@domain.tld项用于匹配该域中的任意用户。(注:这一句我还没有完全理解透,请大伙纠正)。在搜索一个查询表时,地址扩展(user+foo@domain.tld)被忽略。 <br>
If a recipient is not found the mail is returned to the sender. <br>
如果没有找到接收者,那么邮件被返回发件人。 <br>
Regular expression maps are allowed. For security reasons, <br>
regular expression substitution of $1 etc. is disallowed, <br>
because that would open a security hole. <br>
规则扩展映射表被允许。出于安全考虑,规则扩展的子项如$1等不被允许,因为它可能打开一个安全漏洞。 <br>
The mail administrator is expected to create and chown recipient <br>
mailbox files or maildir directories ahead of time. <br>
在使用虚拟投递代理之前,邮件服务器管理员需要先创建邮箱文件或邮件目录,并设置相应权限。 <br>
virtual_minimum_uid <br>
虚拟用户最小标识号 <br>
Specifies a minimum uid that will be accepted as a return from <br>
a virtual_uid_maps lookup. Returned values less than this will <br>
be rejected, and the message will be deferred. <br>
指定从虚拟用户标识号映射表返回值中可以被接受的最小值。小于这个值的返回值被拒绝,邮件消息被退回。 <br>
virtual_uid_maps <br>
虚拟用户标识号映射表 <br>
Recipients are looked up in this map to determine the UID (owner <br>
privileges) to be used when writing to the target mailbox. <br>
在这个表中,查出接收人相应的用户标识号(表示属主权利)。当邮件被入目标邮箱时,此用户标识号被使用。 <br>
In a lookup table, specify a left-hand side of @domain.tld to <br>
match any user in the specified domain that does not have a <br>
specific user@domain.tld entry. While searching a lookup table, <br>
an address extension (user+foo@domain.tld) is ignored. <br>
Regular expression maps are allowed. For security reasons, <br>
regular expression substitution of $1 etc. is disallowed, <br>
because that would open a security hole. <br>
Specify a static map if all mailboxes should be owned by the same <br>
UID. For example, to specify that all mailboxes are owned by the <br>
UID 5000, specify: <br>
如果所有的邮箱都有相同的UID,那么指定一个静态映射。比如,指定所有的邮箱的UID都是5000,那么使用下面值 <br>
virtual_uid_maps = static:5000 <br>
virtual_gid_maps <br>
虚拟用户组标识号映射表 <br>
Recipients are looked up in this map to determine the GID (group <br>
privileges) to be used when writing to the target mailbox. <br>
这个表用于查找接收人相应的组标识号。当邮件写入目标邮箱时,此组标识号被使用。 <br>
In a lookup table, specify a left-hand side of @domain.tld to <br>
match any user in the specified domain that does not have a <br>
specific user@domain.tld entry. While searching a lookup table, <br>
an address extension (user+foo@domain.tld) is ignored. <br>
Regular expression maps are allowed. For security reasons, <br>
regular expression substitution of $1 etc. is disallowed, <br>
because that would open a security hole. <br>
Specify a static map if all mailboxes should be owned by the same <br>
GID. For example, to specify that all mailboxes are owned by the <br>
GID 5000, specify: <br>
virtual_gid_maps = static:5000 <br>
virtual_mailbox_lock <br>
虚拟邮箱锁定 <br>
This setting is ignored in case of maildir delivery. <br>
在邮件目录投递中,此设置值被忽略。 <br>
Locking method to use when updating a mailbox. Defaults to <br>
fcntl or flock depending on the system. Depending on the POP <br>
or IMAP server you may have to specify dotlock locking, which <br>
requires that the recipient UID or GID has write access to the <br>
parent directory of the mailbox file. <br>
此参数指定更新一个邮箱时所使用的锁定方法。根据系统的情况,默认方式为fcntl或flock。根据POP或IMAP服务器,还可以使用dotlock锁定方式,这种方式要求收件人的UID或GID对邮箱的上级目录有写权限。 <br>
Use the "postconf -l" command to find out what locking methods <br>
Postfix supports on your system. <br>
使用“postconf -l”命令来查看你系统上的postfix使用哪种锁定方式。 <br>
virtual_mailbox_limit <br>
虚拟邮箱限制 <br>
An upper limit on the size of a mailbox file or maildir file. <br>
此参数设定邮箱文件或邮件目录的大小的限制值。 <br>
Example 1: using the virtual delivery agent for all local mail <br>
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