windows 2003 标准版 <br>
不知道为什么老是重起 进入不了系统就蓝屏 <br>
抱错信息如下 : 停止错误编号: 0x00000020 (parameter, parameter, parameter, parameter) KERNEL_APC_PENDING_DURING_EXIT<br>
This is a Windows 2000 Executive character-mode STOP message. It indicates that a kernel-mode asynchronous procedure call (APC) was found pending during thread termination. The first parameter is the address of the APC found pending during exit. The second parameter is the thread‘s APC disable count. And the third parameter is the current IRQL (interrupt request level). If the thread‘s disable count is non-zero, it is the source of the problem: the current IRQL should be 0. If it is not, a driver‘s cancellation routine returned at an elevated IRQL<br>请问 是硬件问题 还是软件方面的 有什么好的办法解决啊<br>
多谢各位 |