1、亲切自然:可以用We 就不要用You
官样e-mail:Your mail has been received.
亲切e-mail:I have received your mail.
官样e-mail:Your complaint is being looked into.
亲切e-mail:We are looking into your complaint.
官样e-mail:You will receive your computer by next week.
亲切e-mail:We are happy to have your order. We shipped it by July 21.
2、一针见血:可以清楚 就不要模糊
清楚字:by March 15
冗长句:The paper jam had the effect of a destructive force on the copy machine.
精简句:The paper jam destroyed the copy machine.
冗长句:We have enclosed a brochure which shows further details of manufacture.
精简句:The enclosed brochure shows further manufacture details.
迂回句:We look forward to a bright and glorious future of cooperation.
朴实句:We hope to have the opportunity to work with you in the future.
迂回句:The choice of exogenous variables in relation to multi-collinearity is contingent upon the derivations of certain multiple correlation coefficients.
朴实句:Supply determines demand.
5、有技巧的表达:永远让人觉得you’re helpful
拙劣说法:Obviously, if you’d read your policy carefully, you’d be able to answer these questions yourself.
漂亮说法:I’m glad to clear up these questions for you.
拙劣说法:In order to complete the claim you made, simply..
漂亮说法:To complete your transaction,..
拙劣说法:We want to get our check.
漂亮说法:To keep your account in the preferred customer class, send our check for NT$200,000 today.
不专业标题:How are you?
专业标题:Introduction: Our Product Offerings for Bright Ideas Imports
不专业标题:Can we work together?
专业标题:Proposal: Bright Ideas Imports—ABC‘s Partnership Opportunity
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