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首页 > 新闻资讯 > 反垃圾邮件新闻动态 > 欧洲发送垃圾邮件量超过美国 > 正文


出处:www.echannelline.com 作者:Vanessa Ho 时间:2007-8-2 23:54:50

    在dirty dozen名单中,由于发送垃圾邮件数量之大,美国仍居榜首。不过,欧洲现在有6个国家被列入dirty dozen名单,加在一起的垃圾邮件的数量超过了美国。

    Sophos公司高级安全分析员罗恩•奥布莱恩称,“美国垃圾邮件高居不下的同时,我们也看到了其他国家垃圾邮件的数量在成比例的增长。” 报告显示,美国共发送出全球近20%的垃圾邮件。这个数字相对于第一季度仅减少0.2个百分点。


    中国(包括香港在内)排名在美国之后位于第二位,占垃圾邮件总数的8.4%。韩国,波兰和德国分别位于第三、四、五位。在第一季度未列入dirty dozen名单的英国,由于在第二季度垃圾邮件数量占全球的2.8%而再次被列入,排名第10。

   据Sophos报道,个人电脑数量在美国和欧洲的上升,使得越来越多互联网服务的供应商提供廉价入网的渠道,这就是美国和欧洲“荣登”dirty dozen榜的主要原因。




    When it comes to the "dirty dozen" of spam relaying countries, the United States continues to relay the most spam than any other nation. However, Europe now has six entries in the dirty dozen, which when combined, account for even more spam-relaying than the U.S.
    "While the amount of spam relayed in the U.S. remains high, we're seeing a proportionate rise in other countries," said Ron O'Brien, senior security analyst at Boston-based Sophos in a statement.
    According to the report, the U.S. accounted for almost 20 per cent of all spam messages received in a company's global network during the second quarter of 2007. This was a decrease of just 0.2 per cent from the previous quarter.
    Sophos noted that the number of compromised PCs continues to increase steadily in Europe. The overall global volume of spam rose by around nine per cent during the second quarter when compared to the same period in 2006.
    After the U.S., China (including Hong Kong) came in second with 8.4 per cent of spam originating from those nations. South Korea, Poland and Germany rounded out the top five.
    The United Kingdom, which had not been on the dirty dozen list during the first quarter, has re-entered in 10th place, responsible for relaying 2.8 per cent of the world's spam.
    According to Sophos, the growing number of PCs across the US and Europe, combined with an increase in the amount of Internet service providers offering cheap Internet access are responsible for the strong Euro-American presence in the dirty dozen.
    Sophos recommended that computer users ensure they keep their security software up-to-date, use a properly configured firewall and install the latest operating system security patches. Businesses must also look to implement a best practice policy regarding e-mail account usage.
    "Consumer awareness plays an important role in combating these attacks, as does business sensibilities. It's only through a concerted effort between Internet service providers and computer users worldwide that we'll actually be able to positively reduce the amount of spam in cyberspace," said O'Brien.

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