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出处:jnet.cublog.cn 作者:jnet. 时间:2007-3-14 20:06:58
邮件中继服务 七天免费试用
Other undefined Status
Undefined Status
Message delivered
The message was successfully delivered to the final recipient.
Message relayed
Unfortunately, the remote mail system does not support confirmation of
actual delivery. Unless the final delivery fails, this will be the only
delivery status notification sent.
Other address status
Something about the address specified in the message caused this DSN.
Bad destination mailbox address
The mailbox specified in the address does not exist.
This means the address portion to the left of the @ sign is invalid.
Bad destination domain address
The destination domain specified in the address does not exist or is
incapable of accepting mail.
This means the address portion to the right of the @ is invalid.
Bad destination mailbox address syntax
The destination address was syntactically invalid.
Destination mailbox address ambiguous
The mailbox address as specified matches one or more recipients on
the destination system. This may result if a heuristic address
mapping algorithm is used to map the specified address to a local
mailbox name.
Destination address valid
This mailbox address as specified was valid.
Destination mailbox has moved
The mailbox address provided was at one time valid but mail is no
longer being accepted for that address.
Bad sender's mailbox address syntax
The sender's address was syntactically invalid.
Bad sender's system address
The sender's system specified in the address does not exist or is
incapable of accepting return mail.
This means the address portion to the right of the @ is invalid.
Other or undefined mailbox status
The mailbox exists but something about the destination mailbox has
caused the sending of this DSN.
Mailbox exists but is disabled
The mailbox exists but is not accepting messages.
This may be a permanent error if the mailbox will never be re-enabled or
a transient error if the mailbox is only temporarily disabled.
Mailbox full
The mailbox is full because the user has exceeded a per-mailbox
administrative quota or physical capacity.
Message length exceeds administrative limit
A per-mailbox administrative message length limit has been exceeded.
Mailing list expansion problem
The mailbox is a mailing list address and the mailing list was unable
to be expanded.
Other or undefined mail system status
The destination system exists and normally accepts mail but
something about the system has caused the generation of this DSN.
Mail system full
Mail system storage has been exceeded.
System not accepting network messages
The host on which the mailbox is resident is not accepting messages.
Examples of such conditions include an immanent shutdown, excessive
load or system maintenance.
System not capable of selected features
Selected features specified for the message are not supported by the
destination system. This can occur when features from one domain cannot
be mapped onto the supported feature in another.
Message size exceeded
The message size exceeds the limit and therefore the message
was not delivered to the recipient.
System incorrectly configured
The system is not configured in a manner which will permit it to
accept this message.
Other or undefined network or routing status
Something went wrong with the networking but it is not clear what
the problem is or the problem cannot be well expressed with any of
the other provided detail codes.
No answer from host
The outbound connection attempt was not answered either because the
remote system was busy or otherwise unable to take a call.
Bad connection
The outbound connection was established but was otherwise unable to
complete the message transaction either because of time-out or
inadequate connection quality.
Name server failure
The network system was unable to forward the message because a
name server was unavailable.
Unable to route
The mail system was unable to determine the next hop for the message
because the necessary routing information was unavailable from the name
server. This means the address portion to the right of the @ is
currently invalid but may be valid in the future.
Mail system congestion
The mail system was unable to deliver the message because the mail
system was congested.
Routing loop detected
A routing loop caused the message to be forwarded too many times
either because of incorrect routing tables or a user forwarding loop.
Delivery time expired
The message was considered too old by the rejecting system either
because it remained on that host too long or because the time-to-live
value specified by the sender of the message was exceeded.
Other or undefined protocol status
Something was wrong with the protocol necessary to deliver the
message to the next hop and the problem cannot be well expressed with
any of the other provided detail codes.
Invalid command
A mail transaction protocol command was issued which was either out
of sequence or unsupported.
Syntax error
A mail transaction protocol command was issued which could not be
interpreted either because the syntax was wrong or the command is
Too many recipients
More recipients were specified for the message than could have been
delivered by the protocol.
Invalid command arguments
A valid mail transaction protocol command was issued with invalid
arguments either because the arguments were out of range or
represented unrecognized features.
Wrong protocol version
A protocol version mis-match existed which could not be automatically
resolved by the communicating parties.
Other or undefined media error
Something about the content of a message caused it to be considered
undeliverable and the problem cannot be well expressed with any of
the other provided detail codes.
Media not supported
The media of the message is not supported by either the delivery
protocol or the next system in the forwarding path.
Conversion required and prohibited
The content of the message must be converted before it can be
delivered and such conversion is not permitted.
Conversion required but not supported
The message content must be converted to be forwarded but such
conversion is not possible or is not practical by a host in the
forwarding path.
Conversion with loss performed
This is a warning sent to the sender when message delivery was
successfully but when the delivery required a conversion in which
some data was lost.
Conversion Failed
A conversion was required but was unsuccessful. This may be useful
as a permanent or persistent temporary notification.
Other or undefined security status
Something related to security caused the message to be returned and
the problem cannot be well expressed with any of the other provided
detail codes.
Delivery not authorized
The sender is not authorized to send to the destination.
This can be the result of per-host or per-recipient filtering.
Mailing list expansion prohibited
The sender is not authorized to send a message to the intended mailing list.
Security conversion required but not possible
A conversion from one secure messaging protocol to another was
required for delivery and such conversion was not possible.
Security features not supported
A message contained security features such as secure authentication
which could not be supported on the delivery protocol.
Cryptographic failure
A transport system otherwise authorized to validate or decrypt a message
in transport was unable to do so because necessary information such as
key was not available or such information was invalid.
Cryptographic algorithm not supported
A transport system otherwise authorized to validate or decrypt a message
was unable to do so because the necessary algorithm was not supported.
Message integrity failure
A transport system otherwise authorized to validate a message was
unable to do so because the message was corrupted or altered.
Virus infection
One of the attachment(s) in the message is possibly infected by a virus.
For security reasons the message was not delivered to the recipient.
Virus infection
One of the attachment(s) in the message is possibly infected by a virus.
MAPS warning
The message was received by a host that is currently on the
MAPS list. Most likely the message is spam mail.
More information on MAPS ( Mail Abuse Protection System )
is avilable at http://www.mail-abuse.org
The message was received from a host that is on a spam list.
Blocked attachment
One of the attachment(s) in the message is blocked.
For security reasons the message was not or not completely delivered to
the recipient.
Blocked subject
The subject of the message is blocked.
For security reasons the message was not delivered to the recipient.
Blocked message
One of the words in the message is blocked.
For security reasons the message was not delivered to the recipient.
The message seems to be spam and was not delivered to the recipient.
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