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邮件系统集群方案Clustered Mail Server

出处:5DMail.NET整理 作者:5DMail.NET整理 时间:2006-1-2 10:27:00
Today in the age of internet almost all big companies and organizations are facing a big problem how to process all received and sent mail. Till today it was required to buy big, very expensive servers to do the job, but now they can do the same much cheaper using Clustered Mail Server.

1. Intro

Today  in   the  age  of   internet  almost  all  big   companies  and
organizations are facing a big problem how to process all received and
sent  mail. Till  today it  was required  to buy  big,  very expensive
servers to do the job, but now they can do the same much cheaper using
Clustered Mail Server.

1.1 What is Clustered Mail Server

From the  outside it looks just  like one big server  which is serving
SMTP, imap4 and  pop-3 protocols. In fact, it is  composed of a number
of inexpensive computers. One of them is traffic manager, and the rest
are servers that process mail. The number of computers processing mail
is unlimited, but there can be only one active traffic manager.

1.2 What do we need for Clustered Mail Server

First we need  a number of computers. They can  be inexpensive one you
can buy in  every computer store. Next we need  a operating system. We
will  be using  the  Linux[1]  operating system.  We  can choose  from
variety of Linux distributions, but  in this tutorial we will focus on
Turbo  Linux[2]  or Red  Hat  Linux.  For  proper functioning  of  our
Clustered Mail Server  we need one more product  - Turbo Linux Cluster
Server  6.0[3].  Turbo Linux  Cluster  Server  is an  Enterprise-class
clustering solution that permits  us to construct highly available and
scalable cluster of  servers. In other words with  this product we can
join our inexpensive servers in one big virtual server.

2. Planning

We will  put together  medium size Clustered  Mail Server  composed of
five   computers.    It   will    receive   mail   for   the   address
somebody@mail.my.org. First  we need one  computer, called atm.my.org,
for Traffic  Manager (the ATM  box in the  figure).  Then we  will use
three  computers  for  server  nodes.   We  named  them  serv1.my.org,
serv2.my.org  and  serv3.my.org  (you  can  find  them  as  ``serv1\\\'\\\',
``serv2\\\'\\\' and  ``serv3\\\'\\\' in the  figure).  Each server will  serve two
services.  serv1 will  serve SMTP and POP3, serv2  will serve SMTP and
IMAP4 and serv3 will serve POP3 and IMAP4.  The fifth computer, called
serv4.my.org (serv4 in the figure) will provide storage facilities for


        + - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - +
        |                     +---+---+                     |
                              |  atm  |
        |                     |       |                     |
                              |  ATM  |
        |                     +---+---+                     |
        |                         |                         |
        |              |          |          |              |
                   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
        |          | serv1 |  | serv2 |  | serv3 |          |
                   | SMTP  |  | SMTP  |  | IMAP4 |
        |          | POP3  |  | IMAP4 |  | POP3  |          |
                   +---+---+  +---+---+  +---+---+
        |              |          |          |              |
        |                         |                         |
        |                     +---+---+                     |
                              | serv4 |
        |                     |       |                     |
                              |  NFS  |
        |                     +-------+         mail.my.org |
        + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +


3. Execution

After  we  put  together  all  the  required  hardware  and  connected
everything,  we  are  ready  to  start  building  our  Clustered  Mail
Server. First of all we install the Linux Operating System on all five

We  should just  follow  the  instructions that  came  with our  Linux
distribution.  After we  are  finished with  the  installation of  the
operating  system,  we have  to  install  Turbo  Linux Cluster  Server
6.0. We need to install it only  on the computer that will be the ATM,
but it is  much easier to configure the cluster if  we install it also
on servers serv1, serv2 and serv3.

Now we have to check if  everything is installed. The programs we will
require   are   sendmail[4]   (we  use   sendmail-8.9.3-20),   imap[5]
(imap-4.7-5),  nfs utils (nfs-utils-0.1.6-2)  and Turbo  Linux Cluster
Server 6.0[3]. Sendmail should be installed on servers serv1 and serv2
and  imap on  servers  serv1, serv2  and  serv3. Nfs  utils should  be
installed  on servers  serv1,  serv2, serv3  and  additionally on  the
server serv4.

4. Configuration

4.1 Network File System Server

First, we have  to edit /etc/exports file on serv4.  We have to insert
line which  contains the name of  the directory which  will be storing
mailboxes (eg.   /disks/disk00) and domain  in which we would  like to
export the directory (in our case *.my.org) and attributes how we want
to export the directory. We will use rw - read/write and root_squash -
root user  on client  machines is not  treated as root  when accessing
files on the NFS server). So in  the end the whole line we have to put
in to the file will be:

        disks/disk00 *.my.org (rw, root_squash)

Now we have to tell the computer (serv4)to export the directory. We do
this by calling  exportfs command and if everything  went fine, we can
now mount /var/spool/mail directory  on servers serv1, serv2 and serv3
(if it doesn\\\'t work you will have to reboot the computer serv4).

Next, we will  configure the three servers to  automatically mount the
exported directory on  serv4. To do so we have  to edit /etc/fstab file
on servers serv1, serv2 and serv3 and add the line:

        serv4.my.org:/disks/disk00 /var/spool/mail nfs defaults 0 0

Which means we would like  to mount exported Network File System (nfs)
directory /disks/disk00 from server serv4.my.org as /var/spool/mail on
localhost. Attribute  defaults means  that we would  like to  mount it
every time we  reboot. The two zeros  at the end of the  line mean the
way that system checks the file systems (see man 5 fstab).

Next we must mount exported nfs directories. We use mount -a -t nfs on
serv1, serv2 and serv3 and Network File System is set up.

4.2 Sendmail[4] configuration

The   sendmail  that   comes  with   the  distributions   we   use  is
preconfigured, so  the only thing  we have to  change is that  it will
accept  the  mail  for  our  virtual  server. We  do  that  by  adding
Djmail.my.org  line in  the /etc/sendmail.cf  file  after Dj$w.Foo.COM
line. If you can not find  the mentioned line try searching for string
Dj or consult the documentation.

Since we want  to use virtual server also as  outgoing mail server, we
have  to  enable relaying  of  domains.  To do  so,  we  have to  edit
/etc/mail/relay-domains  file and add  a line  with domain  .my.org of
computers which are allowed to use sendmail for relaying.

Finally, when  we restart sendmail,  it will start receiving  mail for
mail.my.org and it will relay mail from domain my.org.

4.3 Imap[5] and pop[5] configuration

With  the distributions  we use  imap and  pop come  already correctly
configured.  For others you  should check  out the  documentation that
came with the package.

4.4 Turbo Linux Cluster Server Configuration

We can configure Turbo  Linux Cluster Server with turboclusteradmin or
we can  do it by  hand (only for  experts). You can find  the complete
clusterserver.conf file at the end of this section.

4.4.1 Network Mask

Defines  the  network mask  used  for  communication between  Advanced
Traffic Managers (ATM\\\'s).


4.4.2 Users Checks

User  Checks are  required  for  checking the  health  of services  on
servers. They can alert us  when something irregular had happened. For
our virtual  mail server we  will need agents  for smtp, pop  and imap
services, so  we will use  smtpAgent, popAgent, imapAgent  which comes
with Turbo Linux Cluster Server.

        UserCheck smtpAgent
            check /usr/bin/smtpAgent
        UserCheck popAgent
            check /usr/bin/popAgent
        UserCheck imapAgent
            check /usr/bin/imapAgent

4.4.3 Services

Services section defines  which services are we going  to serve on our
virtual server. We  should put in smtp, imap, pop and  also we have to
define protocol  and port  on which the  service will be  listening on
(ports  25 for  SMTP, 110  for POP-3  and  143 for  IMAP -  see man  5

          Service  telnet   tcp:23      none
          Service  smtp     tcp:25      smtpAgent
          Service  pop      tcp:110     popAgent
          Service  imap     tcp:143     imapAgent

4.4.4 Servers

In section servers  we define which computers would we  like to use as
servers. So we put in srv1, srv2  and srv3 and also we must define the
forwarding method to  forward packets. There are three  methods we can
chose from: NAT, direct and tunnel. We choose tunnel.

          Server  serv1     serv1.my.org       tunnel
          Server  serv2     serv2.my.org       tunnel
          Server  serv3     serv3.my.org       tunnel

4.4.5 Server Pool

Server  Pool is an  array of  computers we  would like  to use  in our
clustered mail  server. We can have  as many Server Pools  as we like,
but we put all of our servers in one.

        ServerPool ServerGroup1
          AddServer  serv1  smtp/1 pop/1
          AddServer  serv2  smtp/1 imap/1
          AddServer  serv3  pop/1  imap/1
          CheckServerFrequency  30
          CheckServerTimeout    10
          CheckPortFrequency    30
          CheckPortTimeout      10

4.4.6 ATM Pool

In this  section we define which  computer can be  the Advance Traffic
Manager, we choose that our only ATM will be atm.my.org.

        AtmPool ATMs
          AddAtm  atm.my.org
          SendArpDelay          20
          MaxLostHeartbeats     3
          HeartBeatDelay        1
          NumConnections        100000
          NumServers            1000
          NumServices           100
          ConnectionTimeout     30

4.4.7 Virtual Host

This section  specifies the  identity of our  Clusterd Main  Server to
world  outside of the  cluster. So  put in  mail.my.org. Next  we have
define which Server Pool and which  ATM pool we would like to use with
our virtual server, so we put in ServerGroup1 and Router.

        VirtualHost mail.my.org
          AddAtmPool     ATMs
          AddServerPool  ServerGroup1

4.4.8 Complete Turbo Linux Cluster Server configuration file

# TurboLinux Cluster Server config file /etc/clusterserver/clusterserver.conf

# *** global parameters ***

# *** user checks ***
UserCheck smtpAgent
    check /usr/bin/smtpAgent
UserCheck popAgent
    check /usr/bin/popAgent
UserCheck imapAgent
    check /usr/bin/imapAgent

# *** services ***
  Service  telnet   tcp:23      none
  Service  smtp     tcp:25      smtpAgent
  Service  pop      tcp:110     popAgent
  Service  imap     tcp:143     imapAgent

# *** servers ***
  Server  serv1     serv1.my.org       tunnel
  Server  serv2     serv2.my.org       tunnel
  Server  serv3     serv3.my.org       tunnel

# *** server pools ***
ServerPool ServerGroup1
  AddServer  serv1  smtp/1 pop/1
  AddServer  serv2  smtp/1 imap/1
  AddServer  serv3  pop/1  imap/1
  CheckServerFrequency  30
  CheckServerTimeout    10
  CheckPortFrequency    30
  CheckPortTimeout      10

# *** router pools ***
AtmPool ATMs
  AddAtm  atm.my.org
  SendArpDelay          20
  MaxLostHeartbeats     3
  HeartBeatDelay        1
  NumConnections        100000
  NumServers            1000
  NumServices           100
  ConnectionTimeout     30

# *** virtual hosts ***
VirtualHost mail.my.org
  AddAtmPool     ATMs
  AddServerPool  ServerGroup1

4.5. Conclusion

Now everything is  set and after we synchronize  the configuration our
Clustered Mail Server should be working.

5. Advanced

After you  have a  running cluster you  can add some  advanced feature
like you can use one computer for  server and ATM at the same time. Or
maybe  add one  more  ATM to  your  router pool  and  get more  robust

6. Future reading

If you  would like to know  more about Turbo Linux  Cluster Server you
should read Turbo Linux Cluster  Server User Manual and also check out
man pages for subjects clusterserver.conf and NAT.

7. Useful links

[1] Linux - http://www.linux.org
[2] Turbo Linux - http://www.turbolinux.com/products/tls
[3] Turbo Linux Cluster Server - http://www.turbolinux.com/products/tcs
[4] Sendmail - http://www.sendmail.org
[5] Imap and pop - http://www.imap.org
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