各位高手,我装了个GFI MailEssentials for Exchange来防垃圾邮件,在黑名单里设定了要过滤的邮件地址,但还是收到黑名单邮件地址发来的邮件。我用的是exchange 2000,本地域名是abc.com ,互联网上的域名是xxx.com.cn两个域名是不一样的,我看GFI里的帮助说明里有这么一段话(Its important to ensure that your local domains are listed correctly. MailEssentials will ONLY filter mail destined for your local domain - therefore if you do not configure your local email domain correctly no spam will be detected! You can change these local email domains at a later stage from the GFI MailEssentials configuration. )不知道是不是因为我两个域名不同的原因,导致不能生效!该如何设置才能OK啊???还有哪位兄弟有GFI的具体设置文档资料啊??