> This message is generated by COREMAIL email system.
> I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returned
> 很抱歉地通知您,邮件无法投递到指定收件人,请查看下面的退信原因,详细解答可到以下网址查看:http://postmaster.163.net/
> 您发送的邮件原文就在附件中,我们将不再尝试发送,请先通过其它非电子邮件的方式与对方联系,以免耽误。
> 你发送到abc@123.net.cn的邮件由于以下原因被退回 : SMTP error, DOT: 554 Sorry, message looks like SPAM to me
> The message to abc@123.net.cn is bounced because : SMTP error, DOT: 554 Sorry, message looks like SPAM to me |