按照原来"发件人"地址给回复邮件时出现如下的退信: 请求给以帮助?
按照原来"发件人"地址给回复邮件时出现如下的退信:主题: Permanent Delivery Failure
The attached message had PERMANENT fatal delivery errors! After one or more unsuccessful delivery attempts the attached message has been removed from the mail queue on this server. The number and frequency of delivery attempts are determined by local configuration parameters. YOUR MESSAGE WAS NOT DELIVERED TO ONE OR MORE RECIPIENTS! Failed address: James.He@ihg.com : Message contains file attachments 我建议你在分析收发问题时,不要单看退信,同时要看系统的SMTP发送邮件时的日志,具体方法因每一个系统而定.