53度 发表于 2006-4-23 18:19:23

急!!遇到Lotus Domino server 2351 error,6402 error

由于D:\NOTES\DATA数据越来越大,所以今天先用Veritas做了一个D:\NOTES\DATA的备份,然后换上新的硬盘。在恢复数据。可是恢复完数据后,启动DOMINO service,就报这2个错误了。哪位大侠知道啊??<br>

dennishan 发表于 2006-4-23 19:55:43



dennishan 发表于 2006-4-23 19:59:30

re:R5的版本请升级到5.12 R6的...

Notes/Domino 4 and 5 Forum<br>
RE: The Lotus Domino Server service terminated with service-specific error 2351<br>
Posted by Scott M Hooks on 4.Aug.99 at 17:16 using a Web browser<br>
Category: Domino Server -- General AdministrationRelease: Release 4Platform: <br><br>
That is an NT error code, but I could never get a straight answer from Lotus or Microsoft about why it was happening. I had your exact problem where sometimes the server would just lock up 2 to 3 times a day, and I could not stop or start it (I had to reboot). After months of round and round from Lotus and Microsoft, the problem ended up being that my address book and some other databases were corrupt even though they weren't throwing any specific errors. <br>
Of course, I had already tried fixup, updall, and compact on them, but none of those worked. I eventually created a new replica of the databases (in particular the public address book and the log), shutting down the server, replacing the databases with the new replicas at the OS level, and restarting Notes. VIOLA, no more problems.<br>
Contact me if you wish at scotthooks@workmail.com <br>
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<br>The Lotus Domino Server service ter... (Frank Harris 4.Aug.99)<br>
. . RE: The Lotus Domino Server service... (Scott M Hooks 4.Aug.99) <br>

z_htao 发表于 2007-8-16 17:44:44

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