kenten 发表于 2005-10-9 17:02:59


请教: <br>
<br>EMAIL:KENTEN@TOM.COM<br>QQ :40329411

flatfish99 发表于 2005-10-12 20:25:51

re:load compact有很多不同的压缩...

load compact有很多不同的压缩参数的,有的只是压缩提高使用空间率而不减小文件大小的,参考一下help中的compact参数说明吧!<br>
load compact -?<br>
Purpose: Compacts one or more database(s).<br>
Usage: Load COMPACT ...<br>
: One database, one folder (recurses), or omitted (all, recurses).<br>
-A Archive and delete documents without compacting.<br>
-a Archive and delete documents, then compact database.<br>
-B Recover space and reduce file size (inplace-style).<br>
-b Recover space without reducing file size (inplace-style).<br>
-C Copy-style compaction.<br>
-D Discard view indexes (copy-style).<br>
-e No-execute: Show effective arguments only, since some arguments<br>affect others.<br>
-F Enable 'Document table bitmap optimization' database property<br>(copy-style).<br>
-f Disable 'Document table bitmap optimization' database property<br>(copy-style).<br>
-H Enable ' Don't support specialized response hierarchy' database<br>property (copy-style).<br>
-h Disable 'Don't support specialized response hierarchy' database<br>property (copy-style).<br>
-i Ignore errors (for copy-style only).<br>
-j Just Delete (must specify -a or -A to be valid).<br>
-K Enable large UNK table (>64 KB).<br>
-k Disable large UNK table (>64 KB).<br>
-L Don't lock users out during compaction (for copy-style only).<br>
-M Set maximum database size to 4 GB.<br>
-o Check for overlapping objects.<br>
-p Convert to an NSFDB2 database.<br>
-R Revert to previous ODS format (e.g. on an R5 system,<br>keep/convert back to R4 format).<br>
-S nnnK Compact database if unused space estimate >= nnn KB.<br>
-S nnnM Compact database if unused space estimate >= nnn MB.<br>
-S nn Compact database if unused space estimate >= nn percent.<br>
-T Enable transaction logging.<br>
-t Disable transaction logging.<br>
-U Enable 'Don't maintain unused marks' database property.<br>
-u Disable 'Don't maintain unused marks' database property.<br>
-Y Recurse through subdirectories (default)<br>
-y Do not recurse through subdirectories
页: [1]
查看完整版本: [求助]为什么我的邮件服务器无法压缩邮件数据库?